Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Introduction to H1N1 Virus and Swine Flu

H1N1 virus can cause swine flu disease. H1N1 virus is an easily transferable virus, which can spread from people to people and then causes swine flu or pig influenza.

Similar to regular influenza, the H1N1 virus of pig influenza spreads from people to people through the air. When a contaminated person coughs in the air, then the air can easily harbor bacteria by the germination of droplets from the cough. When you touch any object, which has been come in contact with a H1N1 infected person in previous, you can contact the H1N1 virus easily. So you are suggested to wash your hands by every hour, if it is possible then every half of an hour.

What about your workplace and H1N1?

Do you know exactly what is living below the letters on your computer keyboard? Do you know in many offices; computers, telephones, fax machines and other devices are regularly used by people that haven’t washed their hands or have recently just touched there eyes, nose or ears? These devices can easily harbor bacteria from an infected person and then these devices can infect other people.

Computer is a part in every office worker’s life. Professional workers can easily spend at least 6 to 7 hours on a PC in their office. The bacteria lying below a keyboard are five times richer than those bacteria, which are found on a toilet seat. Due to a survey of HEALTH FUNDAS ORGANIZATION, there is 19% to 31% chance of growing bacteria in your workplace if your PC and other devices are not cleaned properly. If your devices can harbor H1N1 virus, then you will be easily come in contact of swine flu disease.

How can you protect yourself and your office?

You can reduce the bacteria count up to 99% if you wipe these devices you use daily with an anti-bacterial products. You should wipe your keyboard, telephone and other equipments with anti-bacterial products that are made specially for cleaning your daily used devices. Using anti-bacterial products like ViewGuard Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Static Keyboard and Mouse Cleaning Wipes can easily wipe your keyboards and mouse and can protect you from any virus infection. Daily you should clean your PC keyboard, mouse, telephones, fax-machine and other equipments with ViewGuard Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Static Keyboard and Mouse Cleaning Wipes. You can use this product on your door handles also.

Additionally, for extra-protection, you should wash your hands regularly. It is recommended not to touch your face or nose. Also, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or paper napkin when you cough or sneeze.

Prevent yourself from any disease and from swine flu. Clean your devices with ViewGuard Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Static Keyboard and Mouse Cleaning Wipes and start bacteria free computing.